(13a) A block of wood cut along the grain and with a design, illustration etc., incised with a knife, from which prints are made. (7) W _ O _ _ _ T.
(14d) A person, especially a professional gambler, who cheats at card games. (9) _ _ R _ S _ _ _ P.
(21d) A small surgical instrument, usually sharp - pointed and two edged, for making small incisions, opening abscesses, etc (6) _ A _ _ _ T.
(26a) Describing an operation by which a foetus is taken from the uterus by cutting through the walls of the abdomen and uterus. (9) _ _ E _ _ _ E _ _ .
In my paper they repeated crossword No 1215, because as they stated "the
solution box slipped of the gridded, actually it was the crossword grid that was
only half printed. What I cannot understand is WHY different issues in the same
week have different crosswords. I cannot get a reply when I telephone, and
office has been closed on two occassions when I passed.
Ah well ~ at least I KNOW I won't win this weeks
Good luck.