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The Herald (Glasgow) 6/7

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ACB312 | 19:57 Tue 06th Jul 2010 | Crosswords
4 Answers
I'm stuck for two. 21ac Consult a naturalist about a piece of fruit.(7 letters). I've got S?E?A?A. 29ac Things are quiet in winter vehicle (7 letters). I've got L?G?A?E. Any thoughts, anybody? Cheers, Andy


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29a luggage
21a sultana = ...conSULT A NATuralist...
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Thank you bibblebub. The erroneous E in the first one set me off on the wrong trail. I see LUGE and GAG in the second one but why luggage? Is it just meaning 'things'? Cheers, Andy
One of the definitions for 'things' here is

6b. Possessions; belongings: "packed her things and left"

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The Herald (Glasgow) 6/7

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