The Chosen Few in The AnswerBank: Crosswords
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The Chosen Few

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hellywelly4 | 14:01 Fri 16th Jul 2010 | Crosswords
7 Answers
I'm stuck with 6 questions in this quiz and just can't get any further. Any help gratefully appreciated.

Song Titles and artists with the name of a disciple in them:
P G T by D E
Y M by C A
S D S M J by M M
K C by P L
M A S by C S

Phrase or saying with a word related to something or someone found in church:
B I T B - Books in the Bible? Doesn't feel right, somehow.
Rich Text Editor, the_answer


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MAS by CS - Mathew & Son - Cat Stevens
BITB= bats in the belfry?
Semi Detached Surburban Mr James - Manfred Mann
Duane Eddy had a hit with Peter Gunn. Dunno where the "T" would fit though
Yesterday Man - Chris Andrews
isn't it peter gunn theme?
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Thank you all very much indeed. Bats in the Belfry of course!! I wouldn't have got the music ones in a million years!!

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