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Help with the last two would be appreciated, thanks!
20 Mixed 14 compound (5) : A?I?E
27 Stain weight (4) : ?R?M ( TRIM )
20 Mixed 14 compound (5) : A?I?E
27 Stain weight (4) : ?R?M ( TRIM )
Will never submit ant more
Symphony obtained with coinage, including pound (3,5) I feel this may be New World, but don't know why. Any ideas please.
Clue load a priest and a number
He suggests that others do as he says ??p?o?I?t
liked to convert otto, ok? (4,2) t?o? ?? Many thanks in advance
7d. Stratagems involving fuss with beer gut (11) S??t?r?E???
10a. ...deed, I have found it to be moving! (6) a?t?v? 14a. Sweet- in a 'laughing out loud' kind of way? (5)?o?l? 25a. Extra benefits please everyone, rewarding keen staff from the get go (5)... ...
Help appreciated for 31 Down: Small basket taken round urban gardens (4) -r-g
5 letters S?N?S Mere trifles of airs 7 letters R?N?E?S Delivered 60% of verse after tear
26A With such an injury you could be in hot water! (5). _C_ _D Scald I guess but not sure I get the full clue, it isn't great. And I don't see how it could be Scold.
4. 6 n d m a o y r a l g
19 across Common, if my other answers are correct, I've got -R-K-E-T
6 across. Cool ? Start to smoke joints ( 4 letters ) I have ? I ? S ... and I cannot believe I have sat here for over 24 hours totally baffled. Would be most grateful for any help.
Water pipe new that blocks a lavatory (4)?
11a Pineapple found in can an Asiatic A?A??? 26a Scottish border town A?N?N 3d A river turtle T?R???I? 24d Fools, idiots N?N?S Thank you all in advance
27a as in any drama youd see how one does it for folly or fun(4-4)pla?-a??? 29a that secret society, quaintly called family,black and white it aint(4)k??? 16d cat not on the mat,yo, a strange... ...
Rte Guide no.12 17a Dogpnne dog, but might it still find a home in Valhalla at least?(5,4) ?r?a? D?n? thank you .
supporting beams left inside locks: -res--es looks like trestles, but I think 18d is straunge
By the sound of it,spied on old bishop. It's shocking! (7) Any ideas clever people?