Grid complete but a few queries:
12d Relating to enzymes not found in beer? Fine (10) I have allosteric lost (not found) in ale (beer) and eric (fine) but that gives an extra "e"??
Also why does the setter give 1a as 12 letters when it is 4-3-5 ; same with 13a 5-3 ??
K - my clue containing "fine" came from the online version. Apparently another version (perhaps the newspaper) has "full bodied mostly" at the end which would give the "ric(h)".
Roslyn, convention in 'advanced' barred cryptics is that hyphens are ignored for the purpose of word lengths - thus in Azed, Listener, EV et al, (4-3-5) is given as (12), whereas ALDIS LAMP could be (9, two words) or (5,4)