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bigdave1954 | 17:45 Sat 11th Sep 2010 | Crosswords
7 Answers
Stuck in SE corner. 26a Like the Czar to have topside minced up cold (8) ?e?????c
19d Girl's lukewarm - I'd avoided false move (7) m?s?a?? Is it mistake? but don't understand the wordplay
24d Consistently poetic, but putting nothing on paper (3) o??

thanks in anticipation


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26a Despotic ...* topside + c

19d Miss tep(id)

24d O FT (Financial Times)
17:48 Sat 11th Sep 2010
26a Despotic ...* topside + c

19d Miss tep(id)

24d O FT (Financial Times)
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Fantastic - thanks folks
Big Dave.........are you the welshman who use to quiz on sploofus?
19d girl = miss. + word for 5 letter word for lukewarm without "id"
24d the paper os pink and abbreviated
26a anagram of c + topside meaning tyrranical
turast - why have you repeated the answers already given a month ago when the OP was posted?
Bored. Can't do listener. Needed a distraction. Want to get an avatar. Explaining wordplays. This isn't the first time I've suffered an unfriendly rebuff on this site. Is it some kind of exclusive club, with rules of which I am unaware?
What's your excuse for looking at outdated questions? Not that you need to give me any, of course.

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