Contendo. That's the problem. My OCD is really bad. My pencils are straight (i.e. parallel to the edge of the desk. When I take my son to Uni we always stop at the same little chef and eat an Olympic breakfast. This has to be eaten in a very specific order: sausages dipped in one of the eggs, bacon dipped in the other. Eggs then eaten with the saute potatoes. Toast then eaten with tomato on one slice and beans on the other. If I do not fulfill the "crosswords ritual" in the correct order, it makes me feel incredibly uncomfortable. That's why I hate Quixote (Don Manley), because sometimes I just do not "get" him, and when I do I dislike his clues & solutions. Oh yeah, and I teach French & German too. And I have 4 kids, now grown. By the way, woe betide anyone who touches, folds, bends or reads the papers before I do (Independent 1st, Times 2nd and Guardian last, IoS, ST, then Observer). Sometimes I go fishing. Or I read. Do not get me started on book "series" and having to read them in the correct chronological order. Will Dave Robicheaux ever die?