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RT 40

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barry.m | 15:12 Sun 03rd Oct 2010 | Crosswords
7 Answers
As is often the case, I seem to be stuck on clues which don't seem to have troubled anyone else, although I have already solved those asked about in here. I don't know what that makes me, but here goes:
7a: "Keen to know if America's left unusual object. (5) I have ?u?i?
6d: "Fancy gathering for the opening stream (5) Is this frill?
Thanks in advance. barrym


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7a] curio
7a. curio(us)
7a curio(US)
7a Curio(US)
6d Frill - f(or) + 'rill' (stream)
yes, frill
agree with frill ...f(or) + rill
Question Author
Thank you all very much - and so quick too! I just didn't spot "curio" at all. Well done. barryrm

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