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Sunday Times Prize Crossword 4405 Sunday October 31st 2010

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Vimto | 08:45 Sun 31st Oct 2010 | Crosswords
11 Answers
23 across. Clue: Capital permits? Number falling (6). I have: A?S?T? ASSETS could be described as capital but how the rest fits I don't know. Help please.


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Thanks to both of you, Vimto.
Good morning all please help with 10a transference of cargo in less serious times 10 letters and 13d what churchill did around fashionable artis quarter? 4 and 7 letters - - - - d - a - - - - many thanks
10 lighter age
L in ed ra wing
Please help with answers to the St 4405:-
14 across "Looking for teacher in place" ?U???N?D?N (4th letter might be T)
21 across "Service veteran cooked" ?????G?D (4th letter might be S)
28 across "Wine can get you real drunk in club before "time" (4th letter might be R)
15 down "Tycoons capital behind housing firm" 3rd from last is R (Might be "treasurer")
22 down "Scoff at being behind fourth in St.Leger" ??E??
Any help would be greatly appreciated
how many letters for 28 and 15 please?
14. Huntingdon
14a Huntingdon
21a massaged
28a claret ? if 6 letters
15 down has 9 letters T?E?S?R?R . I cannot see the connection with "housing firm"
Thank you all for your help

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Sunday Times Prize Crossword 4405 Sunday October 31st 2010

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