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rte 45

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bernedette | 19:05 Mon 01st Nov 2010 | Crosswords
17 Answers
28a,Sounds like we were classified as stupified for the time of our lives (10)
25a, sounds of animalsin mixed stables (6) ?n?r?d


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that should read "animals in"
Hemorrhage fits but I can't explain it
if it's stupified, the end could be ~ daze?
Question Author
Thanks factor30 ,yes it does and its the only word I can find to fit ,but I also cant see why??
25a Is the word in the clue 'stable' (singular)? If so then bleats would be an answer that, however, requires all your letters to be wrong.
28a Could be Schooldays, but it means that only 2 of your letters are correct
Bleats seems a good answer (if all the letters are wrong)
Are you sure of the letters (for both questions)?
Question Author
Its quite possible some of letters are wrong ,but i am fairly certain of the O
The o would be right.
Bernadette, i think its SCHOOL AGE and the animal sounds BLEATS (stable)
Question Author
yes I eventually realised "stable" was an anagram for bleats,Ladyalex,suggested schooldays earlier,I thought it sounded right,but as i already had answered ,nail for 26d ...for want of....I thought that was line from nursery rhyme .But I now think I am wrong and it is indeed schooldays ,but I am now unsure what 26d is it would now be l?c? maybe lock??? .I think its a little bit tricky this week,thanks porkchop and also factor30 who initially said, bleats
what's the clue for 26d please?
Boxtops- clue is "for want of" so LACK seems okay
Question Author
Oh nice one, factor30 ,now why didnt I see that.thanks
25 A, Bleats. 28A . Schooldays.

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