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star chic mag

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tadoran | 23:50 Sun 07th Nov 2010 | Crosswords
8 Answers
Hi everyone, need a lot of help with this one grid 2
6d scoundrel (10) ?l?????b??
10a untroubled (8) ?/r???e?
13a look (6) ??????
18a intrude (8) ???????h
21a illness (7) ???????
22a scowl (5) ????n
23a systematic (10) ??????????
19d coral (5) ?????
12d terrible (8) ?o??????



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22a frown?
12d horrible?
10a. carefree?
10a Carefree
5d] blackguard
22a] frown
23a] methodical?
13a Glance
18a Encroach
21a ailment, malaise or seizure?

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star chic mag

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