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RTE 46

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mischips | 01:00 Tue 09th Nov 2010 | Crosswords
7 Answers
19 D.Still sought by so many in our shops still shut.(8) O_E_I_ _ _.
26 D. Eager for a singer to come up. (4) A_ _ _.

Many thanks, if anyone can help, please..


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19d Openings ?
26d Avid
19 D. I also put OPENINGS.
Question Author
Thank you both. What did you put for 28 A.? Someone said it was RINGLEADER which fits, but I don`t get it.
I can't help with 28a if you don't post the clue.
Question Author
28A Like: derfuhrer. (10)
These letters are placed in a circle
der Führer is German for "the Leader" so if those were placed in a circle (Dingbat fashion) then it would explain why it leads to the answer 'Ringleader'
Question Author
Thank you Gen, for your good explanation.I understand now.

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RTE 46

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