News6 mins ago
Sunday Times of Malta 2 Sunday November 28th 2010
6 Answers
3D She'll give the fellow endless sorrow first (5) (W???E)
4D Morbid affliction - collapses before the end of the day (6) (D???S?)
21D 3 Down is not completely disheartened (3) (S1E)
10A Night-light? That's something quite unreal! (9) (????S?I?E)
4D Morbid affliction - collapses before the end of the day (6) (D???S?)
21D 3 Down is not completely disheartened (3) (S1E)
10A Night-light? That's something quite unreal! (9) (????S?I?E)
3d Wo(e) man (?)
4d Dropsy - 'drops' + (da)y
21d "...di SHE artened"
10a Moonshine
4d Dropsy - 'drops' + (da)y
21d "...di SHE artened"
19:04 Sun 28th Nov 2010