Guardian Xmas in The AnswerBank: Crosswords
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Guardian Xmas

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baibee | 18:47 Sat 18th Dec 2010 | Crosswords
10 Answers
1a on right hand grid
The whole clue is (Flattery in a measure during urgent appeal to senior citizen being offended) like fool returning to boast among the heartless.
The bit in brackets is one answer, which is soft soap.
The answer I need is the rest of the clue and is (6,7) The 7 is _ M _ R _ _ _
Rich Text Editor, the_answer


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apologies too quick
Question Author
Thanks but I already have that one its the bit not in brackets which is LIKE FOOL RETURNING TO BOAST AMONG THE HEARTLESS which I need
taking umbrage
Question Author
Think I can more-or -less see why: the heartless te; boast brag; like akin; fool mug
crikey, some of these clues are very convoluted.
Guardian Xmas 25179
Help please. Stuck on 14ac on LH grid -C-O-L-A-M (pedantic woman with a lot of fish and some savoury spread), 2d on RH grid A-T-A-D-- (fiddle in melted lead coming down on both sides) and 18ac on RH grid T---C-A-T (trade union leaders greatly please by cutting). Brain dead after two days on this! Thanks.
14a schoolmarm
Taking umbrage
14a schoolmarm
2d astraddle
18a trenchant
Many thanks guys. Sooo easy when you see the answers!! Much appreciated!

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