Factor3, I think it's too contrived for a Times crossword (except Mephisto) to be an anagram of LIAISON. I thought of ALIAISON losing AI or IA for some reason, i.e.if IA or AI meant way.
I thought anagram of INALOVE minus the E (the way being East) but there is no name AVILON
I also tried anagrams taking out AVE (avenue being the way) but that didn't work.
What does 579 points mean? Is it one word wrong? one letter wrong?
Perhaps you already have an error in you A*I*O*
Correction: Everyone who has submitted the crossword has scored 579, i.e. one error, so it may be ALISON after all. The Times has mucked up again. I like the A1 being the way, Calibax, and it follows my original logic.
Sorry factor30, 579 means one letter wrong. You lose ~20 points for each wrong letter. Most people are saying that 15a is the culprit, I had backed full of energy and character: Answer IDEOGRAM which could be spelt IDIOGRAM, but wouldn't fit the word play and so someone in the Times has typed in the wrong solution. This isn't the first time that it has happened and this new scoring thing has only been going a few weeks.
By the way I messed up by typing in Counter measure instead of counter example so that when I put in the down clues I entered gobbledgook. Serves me right for trying to get a high points count and not checking the grid thoroughly before entering it!