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Sunday Times Chirstmas (sic) crossword

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venator | 08:36 Tue 21st Dec 2010 | Crosswords
3 Answers
That's how it's spelt in the online club version - must have been a good party!

17d More than one thief runs cleaner's organisation (9) L?R?E?E?S
(thief comes from another clue, not sure about the first E)

43d Complaint fellow has always associated with Slough (5,5) S?A?P ???E?

60A England cricket captain about to be seen during band's performance (5) G???G

Come on, you Olympic cruciverbalists.... the clock is running!


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swamp fever
17d Larceners?
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Less than 2 minutes!!! Most people couldn't read the post and type the solutions in that time.

I'm humbled; I shall cancel my crossword club subscription and take up Sudoku.

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Sunday Times Chirstmas (sic) crossword

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