the big one in The AnswerBank: Crosswords
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the big one

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dooly | 19:54 Tue 28th Dec 2010 | Crosswords
7 Answers
13d question put to voters ?e?e?e?d?? 40d protects s???e?s 6dvulgarism p??fanit? 52d styll of jazz music r?g?i?e 115d indie band a?t?c camera thanks.
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13d Referendum
13 d referendem
40 d screens
6d profanity
52d ragtime
115 d attic
6d Profanity
6d profanity
115D aztec
115d Aztec camera
i stand corrected wrong spelling with referendum and the indie band id aztec sorry for giving wrong answer

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the big one

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