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Bubble12 | 15:39 Thu 30th Dec 2010 | Crosswords
9 Answers
Stuck on the last few - I have a feeling some of my letters are wrong
1. Such a sleeve improves the standing of sheep (3,2,6) R?? O? ???T?N
2. Up to when the French one lit up (5) ??T?O
3. Portable explosive (4,7) T??D ??E?A?E
4. Messages (7) E?R??D?
5. One left for an Adriatic city (5) S?L?T - think SPLIT but not sure why?


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4] errands
1l Leg of Mutton
there is a city called split.
2. Un til
3. Hand Grenade
1. Leg of mutton
to split is jargon for leaving
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Thank you knew I had messed up somewhere!
3] acid acetate?

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