10a determined to have old verse changed
- e - o - - - -
18a could sign off here
- n /- h - /d - t - e - /l - n -
28a rte on a nice reprogramming for the fun of it
- e - r - a - i - n
It will be interesting to find out what the answer is. Hope manchesterun posts it when they know it.
Had a good Xmas, thanks, Alexanderd. Son and heir eventually got home after a 25 hour delay in Dublin (snow). Dowager aunt still here , still deaf, so not a quiet Xmas, but good nevertheless. Got the presents I wanted, despite abysmal postal service here.
How about you ?
Xmas lunch at Daughters with grandchildren, boxing day at sisters to recover!! Yes had a great time thanks. One of these days I will win one of these computer games against grandson
You're quite right, boxtops and sarumite, but I don't see how re-enaction fits the rest of the clue.
Recreation fits the 'for the fun of it ' bit .
Maybe the clue should read 'rte Or a nice reprogramming for the fun of it'
Give up now, Alexanderd. You'll never beat the kids at computer games, no matter how young they are.
Glad you had a good one too.
Don't suppose you'd care for any leftover ham ?