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hippy-1 | 21:21 Wed 09th Mar 2011 | Crosswords
11 Answers
2 left must be thick but...
2d & 3d
thanx hippy


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Can you give us any clues, please?
what's the clues pls
The clues would help for those of that don't have the DM
2d spicy
3d elan
Well I do, but dont get to do the crossword until tomorrow
There you go I already have 2 answers..thanks migane x
glad to help mazie
I do struggle with the DM, so any help is always welcome x
Question Author
sorry about the lack of clues but after having a c/h rad valve malfunction ie came adrift and me being soaked i took the soft or wet option in this case and cos we are also freezing cold till tomorrow !!
Hope you are much warmer tomorrow hippy x
--and its really cold tonight hippy, I hope you've got your bed-jacket, night-cap, hot water bottle and bed socks ready.
Hope all is put right tomorrow.


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