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Bubble12 | 19:37 Thu 17th Mar 2011 | Crosswords
8 Answers
Stuck on the last few - all help much appreciated
1. Like fast food, dear? Definitely not! (5,2,5) C?E?P ?? ?H??S
2. Rock to make the Pole healthy (5) ??A?E
3. Lasting error which may lead to a plum acting job (8,4) S?A?R?N? ???E
4. Bramble found in the Calabria region (5) B?I??


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1. cheap as chips
2. s hale
3 starring role
3. starring role (anagram)
4 briar
4. briar (hidden in clue)
4 Briar (CalaBriaRegion)
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Excellent thanks a million

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