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Some More Riddles

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gerry | 11:14 Tue 22nd Mar 2005 | Quizzes & Puzzles
15 Answers

1.A murderer is condemned to death. He has to choose between three rooms. The first is full of raging fires, the second is full of assassins with loaded guns, and the third is full of lions that haven't eaten in 3 years. Which room is safest for him?

2.There's a body lying dead on a bed, and on the floor beside it is a pair of scissors. The scissors were instrumental in his death, yet there's no trace of blood. The body reveals no signs of any cuts or bruises. How could the person have been murdered with the pair of scissors?

3.The police found a man hanging in an empty room. There was nothing in the room he could have use to reach the ceiling. All they found when they entered the room was a puddle under the hanging man. How did he hang himself?

4.A plane crashed and every single person on board this flight was killed, yet...there were suvivors. Explain how?

5.A woman shoots her husband.
Then she holds him under water for over 5 minutes.
Finally, she hangs him.
But 5 minutes later they both go out together and enjoy a wonderful dinner together.
How can this be?

6.There is an ancient invention still used in some parts of the world today that allows people to see through walls.

What is it?



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2. The man is made of paper??
1. The room with lions that haven't eaten for 3 years- the lions would be dead if they'd been there that long

6. A window?

3.He stood on a block of ice to reach the ceiling and the block then melted, leaving a puddle.

4. The married people were not killed.

5. The woman is developing a photo of her husband

2. It was a water bed, he popped it with the scissors and then drowned!

Worth a guess anyone actually gonna tell us if we're right?

No 2 : It is a hospital bed - and the scissors were used to cut some type of life support system ?
I now agree with Dsg's answer to No. 2 as it makes the most sense
Question Author
The actual answer i was looking for was a waterbed.The person lay on the waterbed.The killer walked in used the scissors to stab the bed & drowned the guy.However Dsg answer is also possible.So to save an arguement i'll accept that answer.Many thnaxs for answering my riddles.Does anyone object if i post somemore?.

not at all. Please do go on and post some more for us!


I don't think drowning somebody by stabbing their waterbed would work. Even if you did it without waking the guy, his automatic responses would keep him from drowning. After all, you can sleep in a flotation tank perfectly safely.
Pleeeeaaaaasssssseeee post more - all these crossword puzzle questions are driving me mad !!
Question Author
In reply to jenstar.I'm guessing the person that stabbed the waterbed maybe held the guys head down under the water.I don't think he just stabbed the bed & walked away.

5.  She photographs him and develops the film?

6.   Glass?

1. Third room - the lions are dead from starvation.

6. Windows

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Some More Riddles

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