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The KM Links Game - April week 2 results

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seekeerz | 07:02 Wed 13th Apr 2011 | Quizzes & Puzzles
6 Answers
Good morning everyone - and you have no idea just how nice it is to be back on board after three days of no contact with the outside world .... whatever did we do before computers ?? Mind you I'd have been back sooner if I hadn't made a total dog's breakfast of installing the new modem ..... and how simple is that ?? durrrrr !!!

Four nice matches to go with the link words this week and I know someone who's very chuffed with himself ... and rightly so !!! they were -

Youth Hostel
Horse Shoe
Fashion House
Black Smith

And just before I go any further I'm going to post this and do a double check to confirm that statement so don't go away, I'll be back with the rest shortly !!


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Oi cobber, where you been hiding?
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s'alright, just a momentary aberration and we're all good to go

Lots of lovely points for lots of people and especially for KEYBOARDIX who missed out with his entry last week and made up for it big time by collecting 10 points for all correct - very well done !!!

Chiefpanda, beejay1124 and HandBagLady were right behind, picking up 6 points for their three correct and a goodly number added three points for 2 correct - all of which will be acknowledged on the Leader Board which will follow.

And till next Saturday, when we reconvene, same time, same place, to do it all again, have a good week .. skz
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The Leader Board

10 points - keyboardix

9 points - Chiefpanda

7 points - HandBagLady

6 points - beejay1124 & seekeerz

4 points - patchett, Jools, grannydi, Gill G, angler, x-ray & cliffyg

3 points - rockfordill, lysander, bryher, owllady, middlestump, ShazzaHewit, Mr O, Rose's No1 Offspring & eccles

2 points - 6 players

1 point - 22 players

Excellent start and plenty more time to add to your tally !!!
Question Author
after yesterday's debacle, under the biggest rock I can find, I think ...who let me loose on something that needs things plugged in !!!
Glad to see you're back in working order Steff. Thanks, best score I've had in weeks.
Welcome back Steff - barely managed to keep going without you - grateful for getting two correct this week but many congrats to those who got three or more

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The KM Links Game - April week 2 results

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