Have two shar peis Taz is 12 and we have had him since 12 weeks old and the other Minnie is a rescue she has been with us 6 years, most shar peis "grow" in to the skin and dont have many wrinkles except on the face when they are fully grown, if their eyes are tagged as babies[ a good breeder will do this] that problem is over but they do tend to have ear problems and some have mites in the folds. Trouble is once grown up and dont look cute anymore owners dont want them and Roma the shar pei rescue lady has more than she can rehome [ shar pei rescue &welfare have theirown website] one day she took 7 dogs all from different homes that didnt want them anymore for various reasons and placed them into 7 new homes an one day, took some organising I might add.People buy these dogs for the wrong reasons pay megabucks for them and then discard them on a whim and the poor dog doesnt know what it has done wrong.On Roma's website she names & shames people who behave badly to their shar peis.
Sorry for the rant but it makes my blood boil at these stupid women.