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words sound the same but spelt differently

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clairerob21 | 10:39 Sat 25th Jun 2011 | Quizzes & Puzzles
8 Answers
eg :- be sick answer ail = a drink answer ale

1. warranty answer ? = truss answer ?
2. foot lever answer ? = peddle answer ?
3. pursue answer ? = report answer ?

thanks in advance


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2 Pedal
I'm confused. If PEDAL is the answer to 2 the isn't the answer to 1 an alternative spelling of TRUSS (but of course there isn't one)?
Hi Factor, That confused me too, but pedal seems the obvious answer doesn't it?
is trust not warranty?
3. tail + tale?
foot lever is treadle
-- answer removed --
Sorry, although I understand your example, I just don't follow thse questions or suggested answers.

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words sound the same but spelt differently

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