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kitten786 | 21:12 Thu 21st Jul 2011 | Quizzes & Puzzles
5 Answers
any help would be greatly apprieciated
1, turned tea, plus beer.7 dwarfs song, old tools were made of this (7,5.5)
2, does this person believe there is a balloon in the night sky (5,5)
3. this actor was a sir, and when stopped by police, as he was walking in the gutter, said he was talking his pet mouse for a stroll (4,10)
4, did lichen bother thisperson (4,7)

thank you in advance


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3 Pet mouse - the answer is Sir Ralph Richardson - looks like the setter has made a mistake if the first name is shown as 4 letters (Rafe? - but it's incorrect)
-- answer removed --
4 John Wyndham (wrote "Trouble with Lichen")
Think the letters are wrong on no. 1 too. must be
Rachael Heyhoe Flint
angram of char+ale +heigh-ho + flint
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Thank you all so much for all your help

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