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Light or house.

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Harrowden | 10:58 Mon 15th Aug 2011 | Quizzes & Puzzles
6 Answers
Clues are about light (illuminations) or house (structure or contents) Would be grateful for any help on these 2.

1. Cheer up dour Mavis with a ring for a glow. (6.6.)
2. Go into a fund so basic to start. (11)


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2 foundations
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Thanks Valanne...I thought I had tried every anagram possible and can only put it down to sheer incompetence.
You're very welcome. Still struggling with the other one though.
anagram of "up dour mavis o" (o= ring) gives SODIUM VAPOUR but I can't link it to lights or houses
Brilliant factor. Sodium vapour is a type of lamp.
Question Author
Didnt think sodium vapour lamps were used indoors...more street lighting. However, as it fits the anagram that obviously the answer. Thanks once again to Valanne and factor 30.

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Do you know the answer?

Light or house.

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