9)Mull vegetables
no number of letters given
I don't think this is jelly beans..... was thinking along the lines of chew or wine for mull, but can't get the vegetables!
I think everyone is having the same problem with this clue, I know I am. I was wondering if mull has a different meaning in Scotland where the setter of the Quiz lives?
Thank you for that Glaikityin Would never have got the answer! Just looked them up on Google, 3 old pennies a bag with a small gift inside. Value indeed
Thank you for your answers , especially to Glaikityin.Much as I have a sweet tooth, and enjoy my sweets, and quizzing, I have to admit I've not enjoyed this quiz-proved by the amount of whiteout on my page. I hate it when the setters use clues that are probably only known to local people, or people of a certain age,and Google comes up with such a ridiculous link, its a total waste of my time. The saving grace, is that people have been so kind on this site.