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Spot the Connection Quiz

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DSJ | 20:18 Fri 07th Oct 2011 | Quizzes & Puzzles
0 Answers
Just another little reminder that the 'Spot the Connection' Quiz is still selling well but there are still copies available for you to buy at £1.00 each.

This quiz has a connection in the answers which will become apparent once you have solved some of the 40 clues. The closing date is Saturday, 14th January, 2012. Please send a £1.00 cheque [payable to St. Guthlac's Ladies' Guild] with a stamped self-addressed envelope to:-

3, Church Street,
Deeping St. James,
PE6 8HF.

A prize of £25.00 will be awarded to the winner, drawn at random from the all-correct entries submitted, & there will also be two smaller prizes. A second draw from all entries received, whether or not they are complete or correct, will determine the consolation prize winners.

There will be no immediate follow-on quiz so please don't send money for this.


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Spot the Connection Quiz

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