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tiredmommy | 20:36 Mon 10th Oct 2011 | Quizzes & Puzzles
46 Answers
please be patient with me as im new i was told about your site by a friend
the question is all about men if you could all help me i would be really gratefull thank you so much in advance

14 a term given for a young country lad

17 the foild wrapper hides something you might or might not want to dunk

45 fashion; a style of womens clothing that was modified from a corresponding mens garment


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thank you maid up but there is no spelling mistakes i promise in the clues unless i did some, with being a old bid i tend to shorten words to make it easier
20:48 Mon 10th Oct 2011
Question Author
aww poortony thank you so much your all so kind i love this site thank you all so much
nb can see where you may have got the answer from, but where does it say
17 letters?
example of how to put your question.

Name of paper or magazine

14a clue (7) b??p?in = Bumpkin.

hope this helps.
mommy's already said it's a quiz, not a crossword....
RSVP just read the original post, does it not sound like no. 17 could be a biscuit?
Yes that's what I said, LOL - but what's a biscuit if the clue is all about men - penguin?
I think these all have a 'male' reference in the answers.

ie 14 Ploughboy

45 Boyfriend http://en.wikipedia.o...yfriend_%28fashion%29
didoatwork - it does indeed but I can think of a million biscuits - was just curious as to how you got to your answer with just that info. ;-)

1st Kirkbymoorside Scout Group

'All About Him'

Closing date 27th January 2012

Welcome tiredmommy.
Yea, I thought of Penguin, but it's got to be a bloke!!!
I admire mamya's detective work - round of applause for mamya!
(clapping hands loudly!)
Not really detective work - the quiz is in my huge pile of quizzes on the go LOL
This quiz is Kirkbymoorside Scout Group 'ALL ABOUT HIM' which closes 27th January 2012.
Sorry Mamya, I had only read the first page, didn't realise you had already supplied the information.
17 Viscount?
Oh well you try and fail.
Well at least we have ages to solve these clues - looks like we're going to need it!

What about Viscount as an answer for 17?

These are always wrapped in foil and you might or might not want to dunk them as they are a biscuit but would melt. Viscount is a male title.
Ages yes, but will be completed here brfore the week is out and is still very much on sale.
14 a term given for a young country lad - swain

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Hiya all im new

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