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cryptic gardening

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maggieriorda | 16:38 Thu 13th Oct 2011 | Quizzes & Puzzles
10 Answers
6. ac join them or us having got rid of the fruit tree (5) M?RS

26 a clan outside of ullapool gathered heather (7) ??L?L?A

2 dn note one sat in tree - not a worker then (7) R ???R?E (is it retiree)

9ac a small time I have left to exist being moisture loving perennial (7)
R ? T ??? A

3 dn hardy the one he finally wanted - pimpernel's only partially suitable (6) N ??? O ?

23 dn supports normally positioned at the rear (5) B ????


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6a MORUS = ...(the)m or us...
6a Morus (in the clue)
2d yes

Re - note
i (one)
in Tree
3d Nelson ?
2d yes - note = RE, one = I, tree = TREE => R TiREE

3d NELSON - ...pimperNEL'S ONly

23d backs
23d Backs ?
26 CALLUNA - anagram of a+clan+ul [the outside letters of 'ullapool']
Question Author
thanks bibblebub, boxtops and penelope2. Just two more to do.
seen thid answered as astilbe
sorry this

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cryptic gardening

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