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Towns or villages in Scotland

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mitzibengal | 15:56 Thu 03rd Nov 2011 | Quizzes & Puzzles
6 Answers
1) Mix up the heather ( 8 letters)

2) I beg your pardon ( 2 letters)


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1 Stirling
2 Ae
Are you completely ignorant? - or what?

An occasional please or thank you wouldn't go amiss . . . .

Username: mitzibengal
Gender: Female
Questions: 22
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Member Since: 09:23 Mon 17th Nov 2008
Last Activity: 15:14 Thu 03rd Nov 2011
Status: Active
Hi,sir.prize.I think you're wasting your time.There are several ABers like mitzibengal. Can't understand why she doesn't apologise for her lack of manners and I can't understand why people still go out of their way to help her.
Very true quinie. What a terrible attitude these people have. mitzibengal has now joined my 'do not help' list.
Same here,but I'm sure that won't bother her as others who perhaps don't know or don't care about her lack of manners will continue to help her.

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Towns or villages in Scotland

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