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Go On Having Children?

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lfc4life | 12:37 Tue 08th Nov 2011 | Quizzes & Puzzles
62 Answers
10 letters same name as a place in England
please could help me with this, thanks


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Why not put as the answer Cottingham. It is a town in England. It has 10 letters and if you have a baby you need to put it a cot, so you are cotting 'em.
If it turns out the number of letters was wrong then nobody will have it right, so you have nothing to lose.
Hi,lfc4life,it might be a good idea to ask your grandma to find out who in the WI made up this quiz. Often mistakes are made. Recently I found a mistake in a local quiz,phoned the setter and she was glad I had let her know. Saying that ,this quiz has been out for quite a while so any mistakes should have been picked up by now. So many kind people have really tried to solve this one-we don't like to be beaten!!Someone in the local WI should be able to help your gran find out if there is a mistake or if it's just too devious for us!
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we've got the answer now :)
What is it, then?
Be interested to know...
If you have the answer after all the efforts people have been making to help the very least you can do is say what it is - if you do know it. It would be also interesting to know who got it, and how you know it is right.
Ifc4life. I dont know why you are now ignoring our request to know what you think the right answer is. Maybe you are bluffing?
at least we shouldn't be getting the same question for an 8th time
er well umm ok then.
Oh just ban him Ed!
I don't even do Q&P but I'm still banging my head against a wall.
Sorry its a "her" from her profile!
Why spend all that time asking us and then not telling us the answer - you are a waste of space - when everyone has tried to help you!
I think I've found him/her carrying out place name research elsewhere ...
HAHA Dave - nice one!
I'm so relieved that lfc4life has finally got the answer. I would have thought she'd be only too happy to let us know it, just to show us how useless we were!?!?I certainly won't be trying to help her again.
I think that is a given Quinie.
Is your list growing too, quinie? Pathetic eh!
That's one of the best threads I've read recently!!!
Best for what? Most frustration caused to a bunch of previously fairly kind and helpful people now reduced to regretting they ever bothered with lfc4life - which must stand for Large Frustration Causer for Life.

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