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Catholic Herald

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dave1948 | 18:01 Fri 02nd Dec 2011 | Quizzes & Puzzles
7 Answers
4a They celebrate the lives of the saints in a smart account,well-
organised (4,9)
??T? ??N?T?R?M

1a One training to become a brother of the Christian Schools (11)

15d Wow! Copper's going going down pit ! (7)


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15d SUCCESS [=wow]

coppers going down = Cu's reversed = SUC
pit = CESS
Question Author
Than you Bibblebub.

my wife thinks we are having an affair as you seem to answer my requests
you're welcome - but had no luck with 1a yet
(and if she's thinking of a threesome...)
1a ignorantine ............ anag of "one training"
Question Author
Thank you Bibblebub (no chance I'm afraid of a threesome) and The Builder
for your solving of that anagram.

Your help is much appreciated

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Catholic Herald

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