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No-Puffin | 11:27 Sat 03rd Dec 2011 | Quizzes & Puzzles
8 Answers
Can anyone help me finish today's crossword please?

Stuck in one block. 67(a) Summon (4) ???e
67(d) satisfactorily (6) ?leasant?y (I think pleasantly but what would 67(a) be
102(a) Author, ??n Anderson


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Did you say 67d was 6 letters - or is it 10?
67a Page?
If the E is definitely right then maybe CITE
Lin Anderson
Maybe URGE but that isn't really the same meaning
Lin Anderson
It will be Page as Pleasantly seems the only answer for those letters
Question Author
Thanks everyone - I have takes page as meaning summon and this makes everything fit in with pleasantly going downwards. Can now get on with Christmas cards etc.

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