Stars & Stripes Quiz in The AnswerBank: Quizzes & Puzzles
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Stars & Stripes Quiz

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jaynethepain | 17:07 Fri 09th Dec 2011 | Quizzes & Puzzles
8 Answers
All the answers are American writers.....

1. The basis for a sauce
2. Around a pound? Under.
3. Underworld queen.
4. Beginning to explore kindle - it's dire
5. Endless salt water leads to conraction of virus.
6. Wolf! Ignoring cry for attention father retreats instead.

All very cryptic, no other clues - any help gratefully received! TIA.
Rich Text Editor, the_answer


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1 - Madelaine ROUX
4 is an anagram of kindle and E(xplore)
2 Saul BELLOW - BELOW [under] outside of L [quid]
2 saul bellow
3 (Joseph) Heller - 'hell' + 'er'
5. Sal in ger
6. Capote - coyote minus oy and insert pa reversed
Question Author
Many thanks for all these. Very helpful. Some very clever people out there in Answer Bank land.

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