This question is annagrams me gifts you might recieve at xmas . B e l i n o r r u . A a e e g h i k m n n n o s t t . E e i i l n p p r r s s t w . The first one is two words . Three letters and six . The second is three words six letters four and six . The third is two words six letters and eight letters thanks .
I've got oil burner for the first. It is the last 2 im struggling with. Thanks
For the first one you can get OIL BURNER. It's not on my Christmas list.
For the second one if the last word is TOKENS I'd expect the middle word to be GIFT but there is no F. I wonder if you need to check the letters
For the last one I can only make:
-winter slippers?
-writers nipples?
If PRESENTS were right for the second word it would only leave WRILIP and there is no word you can make from that. I wonder if you need to check the letters