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Labour Supporters

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Oneeyedvic | 10:32 Fri 29th Apr 2005 | News
34 Answers

I know that there are a lot of you out there from the answers that you give. I am just curious as to what Tony Blair would have to do to lose your vote?

Personally, I float between Lib Dem and Conservative. There are various things that I agree with on both policies and various things I disagree with.

It seems from some of the answers that people give that despite the 'good' economy (1 billion pounds worth of personal debt is good???) and the fiasco over Iraq, people still seem to love Balir.

Question: what would stop you from voting for him?

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Answer: His joining the Tory party.
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Seriously - thats it - no matter how much he lies or spins his way out of a situation, you would always vote for him then......how sad!
Joining? Didn't he form his own version? ;o)

I'm a floating voter so possibly not who you want to answer, but still: I don't like any of the main party leaders. If pressed I find Michael Howard the most unpleasant - especially when he talks about representing 'the hidden longings of the silent majority'

But I'm not voting for the leader. When I vote it will be for the party whose ideas etc I feel most in tune with. There are many many Labour supporters who will vote Labour who dislike Tony Blair. A Labour vote is not always given as a personal endorsement of the party leader.

They all lie, they ALL spin. Politicians have done this as long as there have been political systems.

No sadder, surely, than someone who "floats" between supporting Liberal Democrats and Tories!
Oh great question - shall look forward to the answers: One tiny point, and one which our Left friends will no doubt dispute, but Labour did inherit a very strong economy from the Conservatives.
Tories never tire of telling us that Labour inherited a strong economy in 1997. Why don't they keep reminding us, for example, of the rail system or the NHS Labour inherited then, too?
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QM - I have previously voted conservative, but don't like Michael Howard (who is after all the leader). This means that I either chose not to vote for them or find an alternative. My point is that although I am of the "I'm alright Jack" brigade and my heart lies with the conservatives, if I don't like their leader or policies, I will not vote for them.

Personally, I find that there is no party that has all the policies that I agree with - and I am pretty sure that no one else can too - so that is why I float

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QM & Ducati - I really didn't want this to get into a political debate as to the reasoning behind votes. The results of the AGs reasons for going to war are a classic example. If you agree with the war (like QM) you will read into the report that there is good reason to go. If you don't agree with the war (like me) I will read into it that this proves the war was illegal.


The real question is: What would make you vote against the person / party who you are currently voting for?

On sky news a NOP  shows Labour are now on 40% and the Tories on 30% the question time / news Did'nt seem to help the tories much.I would never vote for somebody who was behind the POLL TAX.Are you thinking what IM Thinking!!

Seriously? You want to argue a vote for Labour on the strength of the rail system and the NHS?.


Plus the community charge system was significantly better than the current council tax system. Two people in a household, then you pay more than one person earning. How, exactly, is that not fair?

Sorry, should be "....how, exactly, is that not fairer"

Sorry - should read "....two people in a household, then you pay more than one person in a household"


Am rushing - end of lunch break is approaching!

The community charge or 'poll tax' was unfair as it charged people regardless of their income/ststus, with I think only a few breaks for the likes of OAP's. It was regressive in nature and millions demonstrated against it.
Also I Would like to Congratulate the labour Party for giving us a chance to earn a decent  minimum Wage.If it was up to the tories we would still be earning  �3 an hour.The Tories opposed the minimum wage.
Oneeyedvic do you live on a houseboat ,the economy is strong 97 is 8 years ago so I don�t think the Tories can keep taking credit for the continuing prosperity.
Ooops sorry oneeyedvic your question I would stop voting for Tony if he started voting Tory.

Ducati, you clearly misunderstood my point about the rail system and the NHS. You were praising - as Tories always do - the healthy economy the Tories handed on in 1997 and what I was doing was pointing out - as Tories never do - that they also handed on a rail system and a NHS in chaos. I want you to tell the whole story, not just the bits that please you, in other words.

And, Vic, that leads me on to respond to your later point which I agree with totally. As Shakespeare himself said in 'The Merchant of Venice', "The devil can cite scripture for his purpose." The only question is...Who's the devil and who's the saint?

I wish someone from Sedgefield would reply to this question as they are the only people who are actually voting for him. A lot of labour voters who are disillusioned with Blair will vote labour in the hope that the reins will be passed onto Brown within 2 years. I would love to see if there is opposition to Brown as leader from within the labour party. Come on voters of sedgefield. Dont do what the americans did.
Thatchers� governments� policy on the rail system was to get as many people in cars as possible the result today�s congestion on the roads. Labour has done its best to sort out one of the worse privatisations in history anywhere in the world, the railways. I would not vote for Tony Blair if he intentionally lied, I certainly would not vote for him if he went on the campaign trail calling the leader of another party a liar.

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