you magazine 1262 in The AnswerBank: Crosswords
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you magazine 1262

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enagh43 | 12:36 Sat 31st Dec 2011 | Crosswords
13 Answers
stuck on 3 Irish Daily Mail 31/12/11

7 down very famous 9,4


2 down 6,

buys and sells -R-D--

12 across

6 Letters


any help appreciated
Rich Text Editor, the_answer


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Could be wheels if r is wrong.
12:44 Sat 31st Dec 2011
Buys and sells - trader
7 Household name
2 Trader
What is the clue for 12 across. for those of us who dont buy the paper
Clue for 12a?
I would have thought "buys and sells" would be trades.
There is no clue for 12a.
Question Author
sorry left 12 across out
6 letters -h-e-r as found on a car or bicycle
Could be wheels if r is wrong.
Question Author
if trades is right that makes 12 across -h-e-s
12a Wheels
2d Trades
7d Household name.
can someone tell me the closing date of this crossword, Please.

Thanking you
closing date for this crossword is Thursday,12th January
7 down = household name

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you magazine 1262

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