Quizzes & Puzzles98 mins ago
Your mother made you wear WHAT?
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For more on marking an answer as the "Best Answer", please visit our FAQ.My nan used to knit my school cardies, she also made me a delightful (!) jumper with geese on it and a beautiful array of colours including purple, pink, green, yellow, white and black.
My mum made me wear this hideous pea green hooded jogging suit (complete with ski pants that I had to wear the straps outside of my shoe) that had stickmen doing star jumps on the front. I also had to wear an outfit that comprised of turquoise frilly top and cullottes (?) with yellow, purple and green butterlies on it. Oh, not forgetting the Bermuda shorts covered in watermelons. And the shiny purple lycra cycle shorts with belly top covered in lime green stars.
Great answers! I'm nearly 43 and it's only a few years ago when all the family were having a laugh together about stuff we used to wear that I found this out; my sisters took great pleasure in pointing out that until I started school I used to wear (wait for it) their cast me down knickers!!! Our mam nearly wet herself laughing at the memory of me complaining that I didn't like my new undies coz they had a funny bit at the front, and my mam telling that that was what all the big boys at school would be wearing!
I also remember my mam making me wear (I've never ever heard of these garments since) a liberty bodice??? It was like a really thick vest but it seemed to have straps or something!
She said that as it was winter everybody would be wearing them to keep warm but I hated it and after one day in it I absolutely refused to wear it and it mysteriously disappeared. I think someone must have buried it down the beck or something...
Oh my God, I had almost forgotten about my "Don't you want to look like Rupert Bear?" trousers, that I used to try desparately to hide from her complete with red tank top. The trousers were hideous, they were checked (just like Rupert Bear's!) yellow, red and green. Thikasabrik, I think you're right either my mum was colour blind or just hated me!
Talking of bear's, I had a duffle coat like Paddington too. What was she trying to do to me?!
I was at junior school in the late sixties - the time of mini skirts. We had no school uniform.
In the winter, my mother made my sister and I wear old lady style long john type knickers (almost down the to the knees) under our school skirts so that we didn't get chapped legs....
not so bad you think?
They were pattered in harlequin style diamonds in very bright colours.
I took mine off in the loos as soon as I got to school but one of the boys who had followed us up the hill to school stole them from my schoolbag and gave them to the lost property dinner lady. She held them up in front of the whole junior school and asked if anyone had lost them. I never forgave my mum for that one.
When I was little, my dear Mum used to 'make' me wear a woolly hat to school to keep my ears warm. I used to kick up such a stink about not wanting to look silly - but I eventually gave in just to keep her happy. Little did she know that the minute I was round the corner, I took it off & stuffed it in my coat pocket.
I'm sorry Mum!
I can remember wearing those awful liberty bodices with rubber buttons with a horrible vest underneath. And navy blue knickers with a pocket for my hankie. Great when having to get your hanky out to blow your nose - very elegant.
And Andy, those awful dark blue gabardine macs with hoods. I also had to wear a horrible blue felt velour and a gym slip with a square neck - turned me off school/uniforms for ever.
And long grey socks with garters made from elastic.
Worse of all though, in the days when everybody wore swimming caps to go to the swimming pool my mum made me wear a shower cap!
Thikasabrik, I laughed so much at this posting and lots of the answers too. I had similar experiences. My Mum always went for practical rather than fashionable. I remember wearing lots of hideous things. I thought she was getting better when � told her that I wanted a bunnet like Donny Osmond (black and velvet, I remember). She said she thought I would suit that and then I nearly died when she said she had started to crochet one for me. It was truly hideous - wide crochet holes, bright orange with sparkly silver wool through it. My friends nearly wet themselves laughing and I must admit I was laughing too. In fact, it was my ability to laugh at all these things that helped to me to survive.
Another bad memory is when I was 11. My Mum thought my school bag was too heavy for me and came home one day with a bag for me. It was like one of these shopping bags with wheels but without the frame. She got mad when I said "No way!" and frog-marched me out of the door with it. In fact, my friends and I had great fun with it. We used to take turns to sit inside it and roll down a hill on the way to school.
This reminds me of Billy Connolly too. He once said that if Martians ever invaded Scotland they would think the Scots were seals - with all the kids heading off to school with grey balaclavas, grey duffelcoats and these wooly mitts that are attached with string through the sleeves. hilarious!
My mum is still at it and I am 58. Last year she offered to buy me a lovely sage green leisure suit out of the Damart catalogue - you know the sort I mean - little bits of embroidery round the neck and on the pocket - and was really uptight when I told her I really didn't think it was my cup of tea.
RevShirls - I will now always think of you in a wheeled shopper racing down hills!!
This thread is great; brought back so many memories and had loads of laughs. Thanks thikasabrik.