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Horsing around

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Cate_gory | 14:48 Fri 04th May 2012 | Quizzes & Puzzles
5 Answers
Please I need some help if possible.
2Line-up time for beastly training,8 letters.
10,some layabouts I deride.One has no chance!8 letters.
36,Care about a pass and take half-turn.8 letters.

50,He or she 's crazy about love.They say it keeps evil spirits away!9 letters


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10. Outsider ( in the clue)
50 Horseshoe ( anagram of he or she's + o)
50] exorcisms?
36 caracole ?
It is Caracole Care about + a col ( A pass)
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thankyou so much dannyk13,cupid 04 and mazie,I am very grateful for your help.

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Horsing around

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