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Ditloids : What is 1 W on a Q ?

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barryg | 12:34 Fri 18th May 2012 | Quizzes & Puzzles
11 Answers
To do with aircraft wings


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wing tip ? (Q tips, ie earbuds)
Daily Express : 1 Wing on a Hang Glider
But the question said AQ not HG
Where does Q fit in with hang glider?
I have been racking my brain as aeroplanes are a bit of a specialist subject for me. Hang glider answer makes sense.
No it doesn't, where's the Q!
Oh so we are looking for two words - a and q? I read it wrong then.....
Sipowicz, I am convinced that the question must be wrong. Not that hang glider fits the question as posed.
in my Daily Express, 1 W on a H G
Does barryg's post relate to the Daily Express?
look on the other thread Danny. Apparently it is 4 and not 1!

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