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fisher &wife | 09:18 Mon 13th Aug 2012 | Quizzes & Puzzles
9 Answers
might be sitting in some stories & sodium
thank you


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It could end in Na (soudium) but i can't work out the rest.
As for artists ending in Na I can immediately think of Rihanna, Shanana, Nirvana
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thank you we cant work the first part out
There is also Madonna that ends in Na of course, but again it doesn't seem to fit the clue.
'Stories' often leads to ANA in crossword clues (a collection of literary anecdotes etc) so that could give ANANA. Maybe put something inside? AN___ANA ?
Factor 30, you might be on to something there.
Ana stories
Na sodium
Surround these with Brama (sounds like Hindu god Brahma, who is usually depicted in a sitting position).
Except 'might be sitting = BRAMA' is outside the rest and not 'in'. And there's no 'sounds like' indication. Have the other clues been cr*p?
this has been answered as Santana,
Santana will be right

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