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Sunday Times 4498

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ossian | 16:17 Mon 13th Aug 2012 | Quizzes & Puzzles
8 Answers
Would greatly appreciate some help with 28d Thing that's essential to one's nearest and dearest (3) r?? and 30 ac Company banks new and old money in Tallinn (4) ??n?
Many thanks in advance. Stew


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28d res (within both words)
28d RNA ? (genetic material)
30, SENT ?
Sent - set (company) around n (new).
Old Estonian currency was a kroon of 100 senti, singular 1 sent.
Nice one,BIGJACK.
Hi,TW,res is the Latin word for thing (if I remember correctly)
Hi quinie, yes, you are correct res is the answer. Found it after I had posted.
28d is RES (thing - Latin) and is in both neaRESt and deaRESt
I'm also stuck on 30ac since old money in Estonia seems to be cent/kroon!
Bit late off the mark there - thanks for answers!

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