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postman44 | 12:23 Mon 20th Aug 2012 | Quizzes & Puzzles
9 Answers
6. thesi-lence 12.quant+portas 15. klaw18. mayflower- -victory. 23.bloomer,tin,cob,bagel,bammy,stottie,lavash
24. rankie ettori.27 quasimodo


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15 walk backwards?
24 Something to do with Frankie Dettori (losing his head?)
27Rings a bell?
break the silence
12 Both are called Mary but I can't see the answer- Mary Mary Quite Contrary,
23 Bakers Dozen (13 Different Breads)
18 Pilgrims Progress ?
6 The Silence is Broken ?
or was broken
24 headless horseman?
12 Summary

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