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Crossword Clues

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SuperSid | 09:54 Tue 07th Jun 2005 | Quizzes & Puzzles
5 Answers

1) Shipping route (3, 4): S _ A / _ A _ E

2) Witty rejoinder (7): R _ _ _ S _ E

3) Agrees, matches (7): T _ _ _ _ _ S

4)Chair that's carried (5): _ _ _ _ N

5)Thieves, plunderers (9): _ _ _ _ _ _ E _ _

6)Bind by conditions (3, 4): T I E / _ O _ N




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Sea lane, riposte, tallies, sedan....ties down. I'l try to fill in the dotty bit in a moment!
Witty rejoinder riposte?

Bind by conditions tie down?

5 could be pilferers.
Yet another bit of synchrography there, Kev!
5 might also be pillagers or marauders.

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