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Gallifrey | 06:29 Tue 28th Aug 2012 | Quizzes & Puzzles
9 Answers
Any help with these clues would be appreciated,thank you.

13 across- China is one day to get first in Olympic fencing(8)P?L?????
25 across- What's an Indian water carrier?(Get this right in competition)(7)BHIS??? Bhishti?
30 across- Marches banned in Southern resort,OK?(6)?I??T?

14 down- Making one party to a case is preposterous police trap(7)??STI??
11 down- Colourful Lily Savage blasphemed,O God! Strike me dead!(11,two words)???ASP?????


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11d. bog asphodel
30a. (B)righto(n)
25a. b hist ee
13a. palisado
Question Author
Many thanks mac44. :))
Hi- for 30a I can see the BRIGHTON and RIGHTO but I can't see where the clue indicates the removal of BN. Where does Marches banned fit in please?
I've never been able to do the Mephisto.
14d sisting - is reversed (preposterous) + sting
^^ A march can mean a border or frontier, so remove the borders from Brighton
Thanks Calibax. I never knew that and I'm sure I'll have forgotten it by tomorrow

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