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The Movies

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birdie73 | 20:24 Fri 31st Aug 2012 | Quizzes & Puzzles
10 Answers
Help needed please on last few on this quiz all answers are movies.
29 Nasty type of weather (3,3)
33 Magic Italian food (6,5)
34 A fight in the heavens (4,4)
37 An Italian soldier with a musical instrument (7,9,8 )
39 A boat seen in the dark sky, full of soldiers (8,8)
41 An amount of orders (3,2 12)
Thanks in advance.


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34 star wars
33,mystic pizza
37,c c m
Question Author
Thanks ubasses & tommy-h for your help but I don't understand answer to 37.
37 captain Correllis mandolin
29 The Fog?
41 The Ten Commandments (if 3,3,12)
39,starship troopers
Could be The 10 Commandments
Question Author
Thank you so much ubasses for your help again, I would not have worked that out even with clue given by tommy-h.
Thanks also to quinie, Wharton,factor30 & tommy-h again, your help is very much appreciated.

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The Movies

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