What is the song? Please help in The AnswerBank: Music
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What is the song? Please help

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oligopoly | 22:03 Tue 07th Jun 2005 | Music
5 Answers

OK i will be shocked (but pleased) if anyone can name this song from my vaguee description

Fairly recent hip hop song. It has a very distinctive bassline which raises and drops the notes very quickly, all over the place, almost as though it is vibrating. Lyrics of 'hip (pause) hop' form the only lyrics i think which repeats.

Pls help me out even if you only have a guess. Its a quality tune. Need to get my mitts on it! Cheers

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I believe it's Rappers delight by the sugar hill gang... as also used in the honda ad's.

let me know!!

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Ha no - unfortunately not. That too is a quality song. The one im thinking of is completely different - when it was released, the baseline, the lyrics etc

It's a track called Hip-Hop by Dead Prez from their album Lets Get Free.

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cheers ukpuffy. yeah thats it. you superstar
No problem. Glad to help.

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What is the song? Please help

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