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Radio Times Christmas Picture Quiz 2012

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filmbuff | 09:34 Thu 20th Dec 2012 | Quizzes & Puzzles
67 Answers
Have got most of them. Am happy to swap answers.


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I did have a llok on that website but I couldn't see it. Never mind. I'll cross "Harbour Books" off my clue list. Now I'm down to 50 answers.

I have orion as being either The Sky at Night, The Hunter or Stargazing Live.

The car is a different make to the Touch of Cloth one too so I definitely don't think it's that. It's the clock lcue that's annoying me most. The Hour seems rather obvious but the markings on the clock lead me to think it's something else.

I have to say that I like the challenge of searching the internet for answers. To me, that's part of the fun.
Im still unsure of the woman riding the snowbike to the left. Is that helen skelton Blue peter thing? Could the horns on the this way sign "to the sea" be "The Vikings" a series on bbc?
The box with 3 is doctor who. Could anyone tell me what they think the cloud shaped like Africa is? I think it is Africa! I assume it is a separate clue to the volcano....
Here is the full URL to that original picture. It's of Harbour Street, Gravesend. - actually I found it by searching for "Harbour Books" on Google, then searching for its address "Harbour Street Gravesend". It was only then I realised the website and photographer were printed in the RT margin!
I agree now the white Rolls is unlikely to represent "A Touch of Cloth". I wonder if it refers to the documentary on Rolls Royce aero engines on BBC.
Why is the "3" Dr.Who?
I first thought the smoke cloud was India, but it's not. It's not quite Africa either. I've just looked at an atlas and it seems to be Brazil. So "Brazil with Michael Palin", BBC.
Thanks for the Brazil clue. Google doctor who, the power of 3 and all will become clear. Does anyone know about the falling man near the clock?
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Falling man = Mad Men
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Actually Dave it's Harbour Street in Whitstable,not Gravesend,taken from the corner of Albert Street,where I used to live, but the photo is so well-doctored I never recognized it until you provided the link.
Sorry, late night, I meant to say Whitstable.
Still looking for:
1. The tracks in the snow;
2. The joint of meat;
3. The big eye (maybe Big Brother);
4. The 'DeSAC' sign;
5. The church on the roof;
6. The duty tape; and
7. The heart TR+UE sign

Here's some clues

1. Saturday night BBC1;
2. New Channel 4 comedy
3. You got it
4. It's DoSac, not DeSac.
5. What type of church and what colour is it?
6. You have half of it
7. What does it spell and what is it spelled out in?
Thanks Jocknroll
Nearly there I think although I can only find 49 clues and I am still a bit dubious about 'X Factor' and 'Brazil'
These are the clues that I have, What am I missing?
1. Pencil
2. Wallace and Gromit
3. Zola Poster
4. Engelbert
5. Cyclist
6. Blue Alien
7. Bunting
8. Self-Explanatory
9. Woman in shop
10. John Bates is innocent
11. Symbol on chimney
12. Hat on chimney
13. Weather vane
14. Street name
15. Singing bird
16. Dog begging
17. Man in window
18. Girl on snow bike
19. Dig for victory poster
20. Postcode on wall
21. SATB
22. To the sea sign
23. James Hathaway lived here
24. Perfect Curve
25. Shop name
26. Holly on wall
27. Volcano
28. Constellation in sky
29. Clock on wall
30. Falling man
31. Spaceship
32. Airplane in sky
33. Number 3 in box
34. Church on roof
35. Valco
36. By the cell
37. Mickey and Albert
38. Eye
39. Heart
40. Footsteps in snow
41. DoSAC sign
42. Policeman with Halo
43. Ball on ground
44. Meat on ground
45. Duty Tape
46. Banks sign
47. Dog next to Car
48. Cross on door
49. Smoke in sky
50. ?
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Rolls Royce?
THanks filmbuff
I thought of that but it looks like the car is part of the original pic of Engelbertt. If not the only thing I can think of is 'How To Build a Jumbo Jet Engine' that was a Rolls Royce factory. But that seems a bit of an obscure clue.
yeah iv'e only got 48 answers but im still stuck on the to the sea sign and by the cell. There doesnt seem to be 50! It'll be interesting when the answers come out.
Your numbers are handy for everybody here to refer to. Comparing with my list, your items 8 "self explanatory" and 50 "?" must be the horns behind the one-way sign, and the letters in hexagons on the right. This leaves the white car under Engelbert surplus to requirements. I seem to remember a photo of Egelbert in the Radio Times with the jacket on his shoulders like this. Does anybody else remember this, and if so was he sitting on the white car? If so, this would confirm its irrelevance.
Horns and 'to the sea sign' I have assumed are The Vikings no 22 on my list; and self- explanatory is the numbers in the blocks ='Blockbusters'
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Humperdinck owned a white Rolls-oyce pictured on Google images so I agree it is probably not a separate clue. However whilst the horns are for 'Vikings' To the Sea is probably Coast.
Thanks Filmbuff, brilliant!!

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